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Consent collective TV logo

The Consent Collective &
The University of Bristol

Every university community needs to start talking about consent, sex, gender, sexual harassment and relationships.


That's why The Consent Collective is proud to be working with The University of Bristol to start conversations about these important issues.

All students and staff can get access to our content by signing in to Consent Collective TV using their university email address.

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Sign in to access Consent Collective TV

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Consent Collective TV at your university
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This image is part of The Consent Collective logo
This is one of the characters from our logo. This one is called Grounded

Your account with us is confidential. Your uni won't know that you've signed up.



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As well as using Consent Collective TV students and staff at The University of Bristol can also seek support from these organisations 

This is one of the characters from our logo. This one is called The Builder

On Campus

Go to our webpage to access specialist advice and support and information on options for reporting.

This image is part of The Consent Collective logo


Consent Collective TV is a library. Like any library, the more it's used the more impact it will have. Play your part in creating positive change at your university by watching this short course of videos that will help you get the most out of Consent Collective TV.

Total play time: 40 mins

This is the logo for Consent Collective TV
Take the course
This is part of The Consent Collective logo
This is part of The Consent Collective logo
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