2020. Activism and me
Sat, 11 Jan
|Werks Central
Join The Consent Collective as we make the time and space to focus on crafting bold aspirations for the year ahead that include working with impact, in community, and in good health. Open to anyone who is working towards any kind of social change as part of their job, volunteering, life or study.

Time & Location
11 Jan 2020, 11:00 – 15:00
Werks Central, Middle St, Brighton BN1 1AL, UK
About the event
Start 2020 by gifting yourself or your team the time, space, and community to craft your aspirations for your activism, whether creating change is part of your job, your volunteering, your life or your study. We need this day for us at The Consent Collective, it's how we build, it's how we reflect, it's how we keep our aspirations bold, and it's how we do this work healthily. We've decided to create this day as an opportunity to reach out to other people who are also creating change in their own way.
Let's support, learn from, and embolden each other.
Format for the day
11.00 - 11.30 Welcome coffee
11.30 - 12.30 Activism and aspirations workshop (individual or group work)
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch (The cafe will be open, BYO, or take some time out to get lunch locally)
13.30 - 14.30 Invited speaker and Q&A
14.30 - 15.00 Checking out
Please bring
Any paper, pens, or other materials that you would like to work with to craft your ideas and make notes during the day.
Your own lunch if you'd like to self-cater.
Any materials about your activism/organisation that you'd like to share with other participants.
Am I an 'activist'?
Not everyone identifies with the word 'activist'. This session is for anyone who's trying to affect any kind of social change from reducing sexual harassment (which is where we centre our work at The Consent Collective) to improving the way we treat the environment, creating welcoming communities for refugees, tackling white supremacy, abelism, homelessness, homophobia, transphobia... We're all in this together and we all often face similar struggles and challenges. So why not also benefit from sharing some perspectives and learning with each other?
About our tickets:
We didn't build capitalism, but we have to participate with it. Everyone will have their own economic situation. Some of you will be able to get your work to pay for you to attend, others may not be able to attend if free spaces are not available. So we offer 4 different pricing structures for our tickets and we trust you to select the best fit for you. Standard tickets are £10. Concessions are £5. We have a limited number of 'Sponsored' tickets which are free of charge (please only choose this option if you could otherwise not afford to join us for the day). If you can afford to sponsor someone else's ticket then please select our 'Sponsor' ticket at £15. Our tickets include VAT.
The revolution cannot happen without childcare (Hot Brown Honey)
If the presence of childcare provision at the venue will make the difference between you being able to attend or not please let us know by Dec 10th 2019 and we will do our best to arrange for this depending on demand and cost (capitalism again!).
Standard ticket
Ticket price £10.00 VAT £1.67 Ticket price without VAT £8.33 The Consent Collective, 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ VAT number 252050742
£10.00Sale endedConcession
There is no need to print this ticket - we'll have your name on the door Ticket price £5.00 VAT £0.83 Ticket price without VAT £4.17 The Consent Collective, 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ VAT number 252050742
£5.00Sale endedSponsor
By buying a sponsor ticket you're paying for our own entry and sponsoring a free ticket for someone who can't afford to pay for themselves. Nice one! Any unused free sponsored tickets will be carried over for future events. Ticket price £15.00 VAT £2.50 Ticket price without VAT £12.50 The Consent Collective, 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ VAT number 252050742
£15.00Sale endedSponsored ticket
These free tickets are funded by The Consent Collective and anyone who chooses to buy one of our £15 sponsor tickets. These tickets are issued on trust, please only select this ticket if you could otherwise not afford to attend the event. Only a limited number of sponsored tickets are available at our events.
£0.00Sale ended